Goal: Zero Hunger

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

  • A by-product of wool is meat as well as milk. Both are rich in protein and therefore an important contributor to feeding the world.
  • In many regions of the world, sheep are reared in areas where other forms of agriculture such as crops are not possible such as mountain areas or semi-deserts. These regions are for example the Australian Outback, the Schottish Highlands, the South African Karoo semi-desert or Patagonia in Argentina.

What we are doing at the Schneider Group to contribute to the SDG 02 – Zero Hunger

  •  With our Integrity Scheme Authentico we promote sustainable sheep farming and encourage our Authentico growers to invest in further farming practices that improve the biodiversity, soil sequestration and desertification on their property.
  • We manage our own number of farms in the South of Argentina where we apply sustainable agricultural practices. Through our local network with other growers and universities we share our knowledge with others.